Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Here's to a great 2009 to everyone.... It's crazy 2008 has come and gone, even more so now that I'm a mom. It's bittersweet because I love seeing Weiss learn, grow, and enter new stages in life, but I'm sad to see him leave being a baby/toddler and become a young boy.... (sniff, sniff). Granted, EVERY mother has been through this before, but it's NO FUN!!! So, I thank God for the time we've had with Weiss and all of the precious times ahead.
(On a lighter note, Lexy--GOOD LUCK TOMORROW!!!!! Lexy, one of my running buddies, is running in a New Year's Day Marathon in Houston. She's no marathon "virgin," either.....this is her second, after Nashville. My other running buddy, Denise, is going to go see her run.)

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