(On a lighter note, Lexy--GOOD LUCK TOMORROW!!!!! Lexy, one of my running buddies, is running in a New Year's Day Marathon in Houston. She's no marathon "virgin," either.....this is her second, after Nashville. My other running buddy, Denise, is going to go see her run.)
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Here's to a great 2009 to everyone.... It's crazy 2008 has come and gone, even more so now that I'm a mom. It's bittersweet because I love seeing Weiss learn, grow, and enter new stages in life, but I'm sad to see him leave being a baby/toddler and become a young boy.... (sniff, sniff). Granted, EVERY mother has been through this before, but it's NO FUN!!! So, I thank God for the time we've had with Weiss and all of the precious times ahead.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
So---the past few days, Weiss's schedule has been a bit off. With the Christmas holiday and all of the people and commotion, he's stayed up later, slept in, and had a few days where his naps were later, longer, or shorter. Anyway, for about 3 days or so, he has NOT taken a nap. His schedule has been back in order, but NO NAP. He is full of energy, and I have sat with him in the recliner (as I have always done in the past) and tried in desperation to get him to nap. For two hours, each day, the past several days, I have sat, but to no avail. WHAT WILL I DO?!?!?! Weiss's naps are a sacred time of the day, and I look forward to not only relaxing with him and snuggling, but MY nap, as well!!!
Weiss turned two on December 15th, and I feel he's too young to give up a nap!!! AARRGGGHHH!!!!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry CHRISTmas!!!
I hope all of my little bloggy friends out there had a very Merry CHRISTmas, complete with with faith, friends, family, food and fellowship. We had a great one, and it is continuing as I speak. We are waiting on Logan's parents and granddad to come over so we can eat (again!) and spend time together. Anyway, Weiss is beginning to understand the excitement a bit more and he seemed to have a great time last night as we were opening presents. We've had a fun time today, complete with a Christmas nap.... perfect!!!!
May God bless all of you this Christmas and also in the coming new year.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
So I'm Being a Little Mischievous...
Okay----One of our good friends sent us this, and I had to be tacky and share. Here goes:
To All My Democrat Friends:
Please accept with no obligation, implied or explicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low-stress, non-addictive, gender-neutral celebration of the winter Solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with respect for all the religious/secular persuasion and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all. I also wish you a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling and medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the the generally accepted calendar year 2009, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to society have helped make America great. (Not to imply that America is necessarily greater than any other country nor the only America in the Western Hemisphere.) Also, this wish is made without regard to the race, color, creed, color, age, physical ability, religious faith or sexual preference of the wishes.
To All my Republican Friends:
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and May God Bless You!!!!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Father's Love Letter (YouTube Version)
Okay, "Father's Love Letter" was so good, I went to YouTube to find a video version. Ours was a bit different because there were mini-movie clips on it, and this one is more like a PowerPoint slideshow, but with the same narrator voice. (Remember, if you want to see the version we watched at Community Bible Study, go to the link I have on the previous "Father's Love Letter" posting from a few days ago.) However, this version is still just as powerful...... Be sure to turn the background music off to this blog by scrolling down to the bottom of this page.......
NOTE: If the YouTube screen says "this video is no longer available," type in "father's love letter" in the YouTube search bar provided here and it will pull up the clip.....
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Merry Christmas from Avery the Weimaraner.....
When Weiss and I came back from Bible study and Wal-Mart around noonish on Tuesday, it looked like a rabid, wild animal went crazy on our front porch. (See photo). I was frustrated because several of my plants--which I have been very careful to baby during the recent freezing weather--were gnawwed up by something's jaws and/or paws. (The blankets you see were covering the plants because it was hovering around freezing for 2 days.) The mailman pulled up just as I witnessed the crime scene, and he thought it was either an opossum or raccoon because of the damage. NOTE: We left the house from the front door at 8:30 AM, and all was well.
Anyway, I got in the door, let Avery in the house, and took a picture of my shredded doormat. (Yes, it is an autumn doormat--I had not put a Christmas one yet.) When Weiss was going down for a nap, my neighbor from across the street came to my door. Shirley told me Avery dug out of the backyard and pawed the lever on the glass door, and wedged her body in the opening, and then began trying to open the paddle lever on the front door. (And shredded my cute doormat into a dozen pieces and my plants in the process...) Shirley put her back in the yard and stuck a bag of leaves in the hole, but when I got home, Avery came in the door, nonchalantly.
This is why almost seven-year-old Avery only has in-house visitations when we are home. That's right, folks--she's no spring chicken--but as a Weimaraner, she remains in a perpetual puppy statehood. This antic is the tip of the iceburg. Zoey, our goldendoodle, can stay inside when we are gone with a cornucopia of food out, which she won't even touch (AMEN), while Avery is banished outside because of her constant, mischievous antics. However, when we're home with Avery, she curls up in a ball and sleeps all day.
Merry Christmas from Avery the Weimaraner. Peace on earth and goodwill towards all men.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
A Love Letter from God
I wanted to add this---please read it; it is amazing. I heard it last week at Bible study, and it had a movie clip to accompany it, and it was so powerful. It is a letter from God to us. If you would like to see the video clip or learn more about "Father's Love Letter," please go to http://www.fathersloveletter.com/.
My Child, You may not know me, but I know everything about you. Psalm 139:1
I know when you sit down and when you rise up. Psalm 139:2
I am familiar with all your ways. Psalm 139:3
Even the very hairs on your head are numbered. Matthew 10:29-31
For you were made in my image. Genesis 1:27
In me you live and move and have your being. Acts 17:28
For you are my offspring. Acts 17:28
I knew you even before you were conceived. Jeremiah 1:4-5
I chose you when I planned creation. Ephesians 1:11-12
You were not a mistake, for all your days are written in my book. Psalm 139:15-16
I determined the exact time of your birth and where you would live. Acts 17:26
You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:14
I knit you together in your mother's womb. Psalm 139:13
And brought you forth on the day you were born. Psalm 71:6
I have been misrepresented by those who don't know me. John 8:41-44
I am not distant and angry, but am the complete expression of love. 1 John 4:16
And it is my desire to lavish my love on you. 1 John 3:1
Simply because you are my child and I am your Father. 1 John 3:1
I offer you more than your earthly father ever could. Matthew 7:11
For I am the perfect father. Matthew 5:48
Every good gift that you receive comes from my hand. James 1:17
For I am your provider and I meet all your needs. Matthew 6:31-33
My plan for your future has always been filled with hope. Jeremiah 29:11
Because I love you with an everlasting love. Jeremiah 31:3
My thoughts toward you are countless as the sand on the seashore. Psalms 139:17-18
And I rejoice over you with singing. Zephaniah 3:17
I will never stop doing good to you. Jeremiah 32:40
For you are my treasured possession. Exodus 19:5
I desire to establish you with all my heart and all my soul. Jeremiah 32:41
And I want to show you great and marvelous things. Jeremiah 33:3
If you seek me with all your heart, you will find me. Deuteronomy 4:29
Delight in me and I will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4
For it is I who gave you those desires. Philippians 2:13
I am able to do more for you than you could possibly imagine. Ephesians 3:20
For I am your greatest encourager. 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17
I am also the Father who comforts you in all your troubles. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4
When you are brokenhearted, I am close to you. Psalm 34:18
As a shepherd carries a lamb, I have carried you close to my heart. Isaiah 40:11
One day I will wipe away every tear from your eyes. Revelation 21:3-4
And I'll take away all the pain you have suffered on this earth. Revelation 21:3-4
I am your Father, and I love you even as I love my son, Jesus. John 17:23
For in Jesus, my love for you is revealed. John 17:26
He is the exact representation of my being. Hebrews 1:3
He came to demonstrate that I am for you, not against you. Romans 8:31
And to tell you that I am not counting your sins. 2 Corinthians 5:18-19
Jesus died so that you and I could be reconciled. 2 Corinthians 5:18-19
His death was the ultimate expression of my love for you. 1 John 4:10
I gave up everything I lovedthat I might gain your love. Romans 8:31-32
If you receive the gift of my son Jesus, you receive me. 1 John 2:23
And nothing will ever separate you from my love again. Romans 8:38-39
Come home and I'll throw the biggest party heaven has ever seen. Luke 15:7
I have always been Father, and will always be Father. Ephesians 3:14-15
My question is…Will you be my child? John 1:12-13
I am waiting for you. Luke 15:11-32
I know when you sit down and when you rise up. Psalm 139:2
I am familiar with all your ways. Psalm 139:3
Even the very hairs on your head are numbered. Matthew 10:29-31
For you were made in my image. Genesis 1:27
In me you live and move and have your being. Acts 17:28
For you are my offspring. Acts 17:28
I knew you even before you were conceived. Jeremiah 1:4-5
I chose you when I planned creation. Ephesians 1:11-12
You were not a mistake, for all your days are written in my book. Psalm 139:15-16
I determined the exact time of your birth and where you would live. Acts 17:26
You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:14
I knit you together in your mother's womb. Psalm 139:13
And brought you forth on the day you were born. Psalm 71:6
I have been misrepresented by those who don't know me. John 8:41-44
I am not distant and angry, but am the complete expression of love. 1 John 4:16
And it is my desire to lavish my love on you. 1 John 3:1
Simply because you are my child and I am your Father. 1 John 3:1
I offer you more than your earthly father ever could. Matthew 7:11
For I am the perfect father. Matthew 5:48
Every good gift that you receive comes from my hand. James 1:17
For I am your provider and I meet all your needs. Matthew 6:31-33
My plan for your future has always been filled with hope. Jeremiah 29:11
Because I love you with an everlasting love. Jeremiah 31:3
My thoughts toward you are countless as the sand on the seashore. Psalms 139:17-18
And I rejoice over you with singing. Zephaniah 3:17
I will never stop doing good to you. Jeremiah 32:40
For you are my treasured possession. Exodus 19:5
I desire to establish you with all my heart and all my soul. Jeremiah 32:41
And I want to show you great and marvelous things. Jeremiah 33:3
If you seek me with all your heart, you will find me. Deuteronomy 4:29
Delight in me and I will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4
For it is I who gave you those desires. Philippians 2:13
I am able to do more for you than you could possibly imagine. Ephesians 3:20
For I am your greatest encourager. 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17
I am also the Father who comforts you in all your troubles. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4
When you are brokenhearted, I am close to you. Psalm 34:18
As a shepherd carries a lamb, I have carried you close to my heart. Isaiah 40:11
One day I will wipe away every tear from your eyes. Revelation 21:3-4
And I'll take away all the pain you have suffered on this earth. Revelation 21:3-4
I am your Father, and I love you even as I love my son, Jesus. John 17:23
For in Jesus, my love for you is revealed. John 17:26
He is the exact representation of my being. Hebrews 1:3
He came to demonstrate that I am for you, not against you. Romans 8:31
And to tell you that I am not counting your sins. 2 Corinthians 5:18-19
Jesus died so that you and I could be reconciled. 2 Corinthians 5:18-19
His death was the ultimate expression of my love for you. 1 John 4:10
I gave up everything I lovedthat I might gain your love. Romans 8:31-32
If you receive the gift of my son Jesus, you receive me. 1 John 2:23
And nothing will ever separate you from my love again. Romans 8:38-39
Come home and I'll throw the biggest party heaven has ever seen. Luke 15:7
I have always been Father, and will always be Father. Ephesians 3:14-15
My question is…Will you be my child? John 1:12-13
I am waiting for you. Luke 15:11-32
Love, Your Dad, Almighty God
Goodness--December is half over!!!
Eating cake on his "real" birthday, Monday the 15th. You can still tell Weiss doesn't feel up to par, but we sang "Happy Birthday" and relit the "deedles" (candles) four times....
Weiss is notorious for not posing for pictures, so this is all I could get as he walked by.... He had his singing Elmo stocking by the head and his TT hoodie on. (It would have been a great picture, but he's too busy for that....)
Elmo Live! (If you haven't seen him, he really is cool and does LOTS of things...Much more high tech than the original "Tickle Me Elmo!")
His cake, complete with Elmo, Dorothy the Goldfish, and Mr. Noodle, all from the "Elmo's World" show Weiss watches on DVD. He knows all of the characters names and can even sing the theme song...he is very attached to Elmo.....
Anyway, December has been a fun month so far, and I can't believe the year is almost over and CHRISTmas is quickly approaching! Tomorrow is Weiss's official 2nd birthday, too.....I can't believe my little Pookie Bear is two. It doesn't seem like he could be that (gulp) OLD. We had a family party for him Friday night. Everything was Elmo themed, from the majority of his gifts, to his cake.... He LOVES Elmo! (And since we have "donated" so much to Elmo and Sesame Street, I sure hope our future children like him as well as Weiss does!!!) Dickey, Cinda, Mom and Dad were here at our house, and poor Weiss was sick, running a fever. We are pretty sure it's a cold and his sinuses, because a front blew in Thursday, and it made Logan and I feel bad, as well.
We had a big event planned: before the party here, we were all going to go to the Bethlehem at Burnet and see baby Jesus and the live animals. I was really excited, along with everyone else. But we had to scratch that because he felt terrible. Before we ate dinner, he blew out the candles on his Elmo cake and opened a few packages, in a daze. Saturday we had planned to drive into San Antonio with Mom and Dad and go to CBC's CHRISTmas program, which I know was awesome. But we also had to scratch that, as well, including church this morning here at Marble Falls. So it has been a lazy weekend. One of my neighbors told me it looked like everyone had camped out here for the weekend and didn't move, and that's what we did, besides making an HEB run for food and Schlotzsky's. Mom and Dad were also here to stay, but they didn't mind. Little Weiss has slept alot and been very clingy since Friday. Poor little guy....Just this evening, however, he seemed to be feeling better and was acting silly, so hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for him. If not, he'll have to go visit Dr. Madrigal....
With Weiss turning two, the little man has already spent 1/9 of his remaining time with us before he's off to college!!!! Mommy's gonna cry.....
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Fun Thanksgiving Weekend.....
I hope everyone had a great time with family and friends this past week. I definitely stuffed myself this week with wonderful food, and Lexy, I am looking forward to the run with you tomorrow. I need to get back in the saddle to burn off Thanksgiving!
After my family left, Logan, Weiss and I went to get a Christmas tree---a REAL tree. This is the first real tree for me--because Mom was so severely allergic to anything green, growing up, we only had an artificial one. It was always decorated beautifully, but I have always longed for the smell of a real tree in the house..... And now, we have a real, 8 ft, Fraser fir! Yesterday, we had to let it dry off, so the fan was on it all day in the house, and today, I overwatered it. Water was coming out of the tree stand from the screw holes that anchor the tree in place, so Logan was under the tree, in his church clothes, sopping up water. We've told Weiss not to touch the tree so it won't topple over, and Weiss was telling Logan the whole time, shaking his finger, "Daddy, no no!" We had to correct him, but it was hard not to laugh.
Anyway, I got all "Weiss-proof" decorations. Everything is glass-free, and Pottery Barn had a tree in the catalog that I fell in love with! It had white lights, red and silver balls of various textures and sizes, and red and white oragami paper cranes of all sizes. I ordered the paper from Pottery Barn to make the cranes, and Mom and Cinda got me the matching ornaments. (Thanks!) I have been folding TWENTY FOUR paper cranes of all sizes, and it is not a quick process. However, Logan and I are going to decorate the tree Tuesday night when he's home from Austin, and it should look so pretty! (I'll take a picture so everyone can see!)
Anyway, I also made a gingerbread house this afternoon that Weiss is fascinated with. (Well, I bought the assembled house, and then I decorated it!) I wish Weiss was big enough to help, but at this point, he's still just a bit too young.... He says "house" over and over; he LOVES his gingerbread house. Tomorrow, Weiss gets to open the first door of his Advent calendar and eat a chocolate, a tradition I looked forward to every year as a kiddo.....
Anyway, I love this time of Christmas! Logan and I are trying to stress the true meaning of Christmas to Weiss---not the commercialized version. (Okay--he has one Santa Claus book.) I went to Calvary's Road and Lifeway and loaded up on any book that could better help me explain the birthday of Jesus. To do this, we have a Christmas book with lift-the-flaps, with hand motions for parents and children, with big, bold pictures, with an accompanying song CD, with light-up stars above Bethlehem, and even one that plays "Silent Night" with baby Jesus surrounded by miniature LED lights. (Yes, they really do make such a thing...) Weiss also watches a DVD of the Christmas story, with little 3D characters. The cutest thing is his Veggie Tales nativity scene, which he LOVES.
Anyway, the point of all of this craziness is that we want Weiss to understand the true meaning of Christmas: it's all about Jesus. Without Him, there would be no Christmas, no family, no giving, no joy, no love. And yes, I'm a little obsessed with Weiss learning this at an early age, but he can already point out baby Jesus and say "Jesus," and he'll point out the star and the shepherd. Although he's such a little guy, he is learning. He's beginning to sing "Away in a Manger." To see my child putting together the pieces of the ultimate story at his young age is the best gift I could get this year for Christmas.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
On a Lighter Note...
We went to get our family portraits at Fall Creek Studios this afternoon, and Weiss would not cooperate! All he wanted to do was explore outside and he did NOT want to sit still or be held. When he was cooperating, he was holding Elmo in front of his face and would scream if we took Elmo or tried to move him out of the way. Needless to say, we rescheduled--AGAIN--to get more shots on Saturday morning.
Weiss was being a "total toddler" today, and I will be getting out some Dr. Dobson discipline books after my play date with Hannah and the girls this morning.... (I don't want to go into details, but it involves bullying Iris the cat, Sophia and Gabriella... Sorry, Hannah, about all of the chaos---you were so patient with us...Thank you!)
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Happy Thanksgiving to you! (Okay.... the time I'm posting, it's just a few hours away...) Our family is postponing our celebration to Friday so everyone can be here.... It's both sides of our family, both mine and Logan's--all four generations, and there are a whopping total of EIGHT people! (Delbert, Dickey, Cinda, Mom, Dad, Logan, Weiss and I) Big, huh?
Anyway, Cinda is doing the majority of the cooking, which is always phenomenally good, and Logan his handling the turkey, which he has a knack at. He lets it brine for several days, and so it's always good. I'm glad it's not me cooking it...I'd be one of "those" calling the Butterball helpline. (And I think my family is also aware of that fact!)
Mom is doing homemade rolls and one dessert, while I am doing cranberry salsa (courtesy of Cinda) and an appetizer. Tomorrow morning, Logan and I are running the 5 mile Thundercloud Subs Turkey Trot in Austin to help alleviate the massive calories we will consume in the days ahead. (Um, he really doesn't have a problem about gaining weight, though....lucky him!) It should be fun.
Anyway, we'll spend the rest of the week with family, which brings me to what I am thankful for. I am SOOO thankful for my family--all of 'em. After losing a family member this past year to an ongoing battle with cancer (my Memaw), it makes me also really thankful for my own health and the health of others in our family. On that note: Keep Logan's granddad, Delbert, in your prayers. He has some ongoing health issues that make it very hard on him, but I hope he'll have an enjoyable and memorable Thanksgiving with us, followed by a long nap on the couch while watching football.
I'm thankful for my God and the sacrifice He made for me. Although I can complain at times and see more bad than good, I am still so thankful for our country and the freedom we Christians still have to live out our faith and worship collectively with others. When it is time for Weiss to attend school, I am thankful Logan and I have a choice as to how we choose to raise and educate him. I'm thankful for my home and all my beautiful plants that remain beautiful so long as I water them (haha). And I am also thankful for my community; Marble Falls is a great place to live and I am really enjoying meeting and developing friendships with people. I am so blessed and so thankful for it.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Only 2 more days until Turkey Day (3 for our family)....
Okay everyone----my little blog is growing! I can't believe I've stuck with it for more than a few days.... it's really addicting to blog. (This is the closest thing I'll ever do to scrapbooking, by the way....) Anyway, I've posted a few pictures to an older post, and I've posted lots of pictures recently, so you may have to click on "Older Posts" or click the subheadings on the side of the page to see older posts.... Everyone have a good Tuesday!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Okay, Terra... I've never completed a "tag" before, but since it is from you and I'm trying to be faithful to my blog, here goes nothing!!!
1. "Dirty Jobs"
2. anything History Channel
3. "John and Kate Plus Eight"
4. any specials about the Duggar family on TLC (you know, the people with all of the kiddos!)
5. Survivorman
6. Bear Gryllis (sp?)---the "other" survivorman
7. anything Discovery Channel
8. "Family Guy"
8 FAVORITE RESTAURANTS: (NOTE--Logan and I are "foodies," so this is difficult and I know I'm really listing more than eight...and the list is always evolving...I had to only resort to different genres of food because we like to eat so much...)
1. anything Thai (Well, not anything...No buffets, please, and I want the cooks to be "authentic")
2. Cooper's (Llano location only) and Hard-8 BBQ (Brady, TX)
3. Perini Ranch (Buffalo Gap, TX)---Perini Zucchini and Bourbon Bread Pudding---YUMMO!!
4. dives with good homecooking: Mary's (Strawn, TX) and Bluebonnet Cafe (Marble Falls, TX)
5. Shilo's (San Antonio)---try the split pea soup and homemade rootbeer
6. gourmet: Silo's Elevated Cuisine (San Antonio, TX--chicken-fried oysters!!), the now deceased Cafe 909 (Marble Falls, TX), anything Wolfgang Puck, Olive's (Bellagio, Las Vegas), Stephen Pyles (Dallas), Biga on the Banks (San Antonio, TX), Bohannan's (San Antonio, TX)---ranked #2 steak in Texas by Texas Monthly
7. Mexican food: Casa Blanca (Big Spring, TX), Johnny's Restaurant (San Antonio, TX), La Paloma Blanca (San Antonio, TX), Ta Molly's (Abilene, TX)
8. good lunching---Central Market and Whole Foods cafes
1. pictures at ACU
2. poop diapers (3)
3. Target!!!!
4. ran into lots of people we knew in Abilene
5. Chick-Fil-A for dinner
6. read books to the kiddo
7. I blogged!!
8. visited with the parents
1. Thanksgiving with all the family and the Austin Turkey Trot
2. Christmas holidays and seeing Weiss get excited
3. Weiss's 2nd birthday
4. ski trip (???)
5. Houston Marathon
6. Austin Half (YES, Denise, Deanna, Mendy and Lexy, I signed up!!!!!)
7. finishing my current class--Christian Theology and Integrational Psychology--and starting a new one
8. colder weather
8 THINGS ON MY WISH LIST: (vanity items---be forewarned!!!)
1. a treadmill (Terra, I want one, too---especially before kiddo #2 so I have no excuse not to exercise)
2. P90X (also before kiddo #2---more exercise!)
3. a new pair of Birkenstocks
4. a Jennifer Behr crystal headband for those bad hair days
5. a Runner's World supscription
6. a maid to clean my house (all I need is once every 2 weeks---once a month deep clean)
7. trip to the Holy Land and Egypt
8. my ultimate: a black laquer Steinway grand (with a digital player/recorder attachment)
1. Denisse W.
2. Katie K.
3. Shelley V.
4. Lexy H.
5. Denise R.
6. Hannah B.
7. Danielle P.
8. Ashley H.
Since I'm on Dad's Computer...
These are some older pictures of Weiss Dad had on his computer, from his camera. (However, the Elmo PJ picture was from tonight....) I hope you enjoy these!!!
Weiss slurping down his first banana cream pie Sonic shake...
At Logan's graduation.....YIPPEE!
One of my favorite pictures of Weiss and I....
Both sides of the family....This was not that great of a picture because the shadow...I'll have to photoshop it later...
One of Weiss's first haircuts at Sharkey's, the cutest little kid's salon!! He could even watch Barney during the cut!!
Mom and Weiss at the Stanley lakehouse....
B-Paw and Weiss looking "serious" at the computer....
B-Paw traumatizing Weiss on his antique tractor...
Weiss on his "motorcycle..."
Weiss in his Elmo pajamas, and you can figure out the rest...
Silly Weiss in the bathtub...
Relaxing in the Big City of Merkel, TX....
Weiss was posing for a millisecond.....
Looking up at ACU's "Jacob's Dream"
Mom, Dad and Weiss at ACU's "Jacob's Dream"
This morning, Mom and Dad took Weiss to take pictures at Abilene Christian University's "Jacob's Dream" sculpture. He was pretty fidgety, but there were some good pics in the bunch. It's a beautiful sculpture, telling the Bible story of Jacob climbing the ladder with angels into Heaven. It is absolutely beautiful, and I have wanted to see it for some time after seeing it in Texas Monthly, Logan's favorite. Pictures cannot truly do justice for the piece, you must go see it in person. If you are ever in the Abilene area and want to see it, the piece is only about two minutes off Interstate 20, just off the main circle drive to ACU's chapel on the hill. There were several families there when we were, also taking family pictures.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
A blackberry smile!
Weiss having blackberries for a snack! (Notice we stayed in our PJs...)
Weiss snuggling with his little red puppy before he woke up...so sweet.
Our little family at the lighting of the city....
Daddy and Weiss. (There was a Clydesdale horse in the background---I wish it would have shown up....)
Well, we were supposed to have family portraits today, but because they were outdoors, the photographer thought it would be a better idea to postpone until Wednesday evening because it is so dreary and gray here right now. It is also the coldest it has been, so hopefully by Wednesday it will be a bit warmer weather.... (We'll see about that...)
Anyway, so we have had a lazy day around the house, which has been nice. Although I stay at home with Weiss, I have a bad habit of "overcommitment" with activities, so everyday there is usually something---or THINGS---to do. So today was a welcome break from the normal hustle. Tonight we are going (or shall I say LOGAN is going) to a Tech vs. OU party two streets down at Bob and Rhonda Clifton's home. They have been great friends and neighbors since we've been here; they are so kind and always have us over and help us with various things around the house. We had a water line break, and Bob knew just who to call. Logan was out of town, and I needed an AC repairman and the home warranty company was giving me problems, so Bob helped me out. They are super sweet people, and we are thankful for them! Bob was Dickey's (Logan's dad) big brother in their fraternity at Texas Tech, so their family goes way back. Weiss and I may drop in for a little while at the football fest, but it is not as fun watching football when I am chasing around the little man, because Daddy will certainly be glued to his beloved Red Raiders (and a Shiner Bock)...
Anyway, here are some pictures from last night and today. Enjoy!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Today started out like a Monday.....

Hey everyone! Today I had planned to have leisurely Friday, to go into Austin on a quick trip to go to JCPenney's to get some silvery-gray corduroy pants to wear to our family photos tomorrow..... Well, Weiss and I left the house at 9:45, with directions to the nearest JCP on my trusty iPhone... (By the way, the map feature on the iPhone is why I love it so much.)
Things were going great--I was following the directions, and reached the end of the directions and, to my dismay---NO JCPENNEY'S. So---I call Logan. He knows the area, but didn't know of any store in the area. I call the JCP number listed. Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring.....nothing. So, I whip out my phone again, and decide to drive to the next location. No problem. I'm meeting a friend for lunch at 12:30 in Marble Falls, so I am beginning to look at my clock nervously, but it's still 10:30. I call the next nearest JCP. I press "2" for directions, thinking I would get a live operator like Nordstrom. Ha, ha, ha---I was wrong. The computer told me the store was located at MoPac and Capitol of Texas Highway. So--I drive all the way out there.....
No JCPenney. At this point, it is 11:00 AM. I am getting frustrated, so I look at the next JCP location. There was one in Cedar Park, but that would make me late for lunch, and Nancy drove all the way in from Bertram for lunch... So you know what I did? I turned around and went back to Marble Falls, frustrated I could not find my pants, much less a JCPenney's store to purchase them in.... I drove to Austin for an errand and all Weiss and I did was DRIVE AROUND. Today was really beginning to feel like a Monday---fast.
Weiss and I met Nancy and her four precious girls for lunch. Weiss had been a super trooper in Austin, but my time was up. Weiss and I did not eat any of our meal at lunch because I was too busy chasing him around the restaurant! Thank goodness Nancy and her kiddos helped me wrangle him; he was a crazy toddler today!!! Afterwards, we quickly dropped by Calvary's Road to get him a book about Christmas and a Veggie Tales DVD and he wanted to sabotage the store's Christmas decorations! I needed a nap, and HE needed a nap, too....
Anyway, when Logan got home, we went to the Marble Falls Christmas parade and lighting of the city. Weiss loved it, and although we were on the curb and the firetruck siren blasted right in his ears, he seemed unphased. He really seemed to enjoy it! We saw the MFHS band, many floats and groups with kiddos throwing candy, and groups of retirees dancing with toilet plungers (yes----you read that right---the "Plungettes") and another group dancing with lawn chairs (from Sunrise Beach--the "Beachers"). Marble Falls is starting to feel like more of a small town; I am recognizing more and more people out and about.
Although it was pretty cold (the coolest day we've had so far this fall here), Weiss did not want his fuzzy hat or his blanket over his hands. I guess he was a little Popsicle, but he didn't care and he would scream whenever we tried to cover him up. So we came home and had leftover venison stew AND my leftover Italian food from lunch......
Thank goodness today's ending was MUCH better than the beginning.....
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Fun Day with Friends at the New Braunfels Children's Museum!
Today was a fun day! The Burns girls (Hannah, Sophia and Gabriella), Weiss and I went to the New Braunfels McKenna Children's Museum. If you live in the Austin/San Antonio area and have young children, you must take them; we had a great time! We ate lunch downtown on the square at a quaint little sandwich shop, had coffee and then took the kids to the museum. It was set up like a miniature "city," complete with a hospital, bank, house, grocery store, campground---you name it. The kids loved it! There was even a great covered area outdoors with a cool interactive water feature for kids.
Weiss and Sophia also loved painting. Weiss refused to wear his smock, so he went "redneck style:" without his shirt! He tripped over a chair leg when walking over to refill his brush with paint and fell right into my clean white shoe! Thank goodness he was okay and the shoe--I washed it and it is as good as new! It was a fun day for the kids. Thanks, Hannah, for the fun play date!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
I Ran My First Marathon Today!!!!
My parents, Logan and I after my FIRST marathon!!! I was so happy!
Logan and I (Team Stanley!)
Here I am, running the final yards to the finish line. And yes, my Garmin said I ran 26.4 miles, not 26.2......(many people were complaining of this same thing....the route was longer than 26.2 miles.)
I began running/jogging/talking with Danielle Patteson during the week and on the weekdays, and we would take the boys and put them in our jogging strollers and go. Not only were we both college soccer players (so we are NOT of the traditional running physique), but busy moms and friends from church and she also went to school with Logan before becoming a teacher again, so we always had ALOT to talk about!!! Danielle had also run the Baylor Bearathon half--when baby Joshua was FIVE months old. She would run her long runs on a TREADMILL!!!! (Crazy...) THEN---we both got even more inspired when Lisa Walls---with 2 marathons under her belt---told us she would be running San Antonio 2008. We decided to get "hardcore" and join San Antonio FIT, a local running club specifically for the SA marathon with several hundred members.
So---at the end of May, our "official" training began. At the time, Logan and I thought we were staying in San Antonio until December because of the dental office construction delay, so I was soooo excited about this training, which met on Saturdays for long runs and offered plenty of support during the week and a personalized running schedule. Then--we moved to Marble Falls. I thought my training could be over. I immediately called Rebecca Nunnally, who knew just the person for me to exercise with....
Well, let me tell you a thing about runners---especially marathon runners. They get really excited when they find someone else out there like them who loves a sadistic sport. So, before I could even pick up the phone and call Denise, she called me. We had a great first conversation, and we planned to meet to run with her running buddy, Lexy. The next day or so, I went on my first run with two of my now close buddies.
Although they still put up with my pokey turtle self, both Denise and Lexy have been so much fun to run with. Others have occasionally joined us, spicing up our routine. We normally do our long runs on Saturdays, but sometimes that would change due to schedule conflicts, but we would meet at Lexy's here in Meadowlakes and take off nearly every morning on a 3.2 mile route around the perimeter streets in Meadowlakes. Because there are no streetlights, we all wear our hats with cute little clip-on lights because we leave at 6:00 AM and it is pitch dark sometimes.
So---after all of this, today was the marathon. Logan, Mom and Dad came to cheer me on. Little Weiss stayed with his Mia (Logan's mom, Cinda), and Dickey couldn't come--he was speaking out of state at a conference. Deanna Nail, Mendy Ritchie, Denise Rhodes and I were the girls running from Marble Falls. A guy from Lexy's church, Duane, also ran. (Sorry Lexy---I can't remember his last name!) Danielle, Lisa, my friend Wendy Fowler, and our architect, Jean, (pronounced "Zhj-ahn") also ran the full marathon. My friend Stephanie Blanks ran the half with a baby boy on board, due in March. However, there were 30,000 people there, so I only saw the Marble Falls girls because we stayed in the same hotel and hung out before and after the race. However, Mendy and I ran the majority of the race together.
San Antonio had an annual marathon in the past, but it was always very small for a city its size. However, the Rock n' Roll Marathon/Elite Racing Group bought out the marathon this year, and this was the innaugural season. This first Rock n' Roll San Antonio 2008 marathon is now Texas's largest marathon. There are lots of bands on the route, keeping it fun and lively. There is also a headliner concert the night of the marathon, but obviously I didn't stay, although it would have been fun! (I'm all showered up and refreshed, cozy typing in my bed...)
I was so inspired by the crowd and runners. The crowd was so motivational, and because I wrote my name on my bib, they cheered for me by name!! (Thanks, Denise!!!) Many were running for charity groups, which was incredible, and had raised money in the process of training. Others where running for friends or family. Tall, short, skinny, fat, old and young were running; all running stereotypes were broken. There were those runners with a sense of humor: Elvis, Santa Claus, people with tu-tus and fairy wands, a man in Levi's cutoffs, a pearl snap shirt, topped off by a mullet wig.
I've never cried when I've run before, but I got choked up today FIVE or SIX times with tears and a huge lump in my throat. I saw a college aged young man pushing an older man in a wheelchair. Everyone was cheering them on; it was so uplifting. Cancer survivors were running. There were several people with prosthetic legs running. One of the spectators stole my heart: a little girl, not much younger than Weiss, was along the route 2 times, and then I saw her at the finish. Her daddy must have been running. At mile 14 I first saw her: her mother was holding her, and she obviously had a tumor or growth in her neck. She was cheering "Go, go, GO!" with her little voice. The wheelchair racers began the race before the first of those afoot. I saw one of the last wheelchair racers at about mile 23 going up the incline of an underpass, struggling to finish. However, I know she was going to make it.
By all of these various people I encountered, God demonstrated how precious and fragile life is. I was filled with a new sense of gratitude for my life, those around me, and my God. I am thankful for all I have been blessed with in my life. I'm thankful for all of my family, my friends, my community, my health, and all of those who were inspirations today. Thanks to those of you who've called, emailed, "Facebooked," supported and prayed for me throughout this journey. You don't know how much it really meant and helped me.
I really got so much more out of this marathon than running.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Happy Birthday, Mom!!! I love you!!!

(Sorry the picture is from 2005, but I am not blogging on Logan's "cool" computer and so all of the new pictures are on it....I'm on my ghetto Dell, which won't sync with our camera because it's GHETTO.....Sadly enough, everyone else looks the same but ME.... (boo hoo) A sidenote to this picture: Mom had major neck surgery 2 weeks before this picture was taken for a compressed spinal column, and the go-getter she is, she was already up and going again!! Way to go, Mom!! I love you!)
Crazy, busy week--Still more to come, but I'm thankful!!!
Sorry I haven't posted lately.....No, it's not that I'm already dropping the ball.....I've just been so BUSY this week! Things I've done this week--and will be doing--from this past Monday to this coming Sunday--people over for dinner, cooking dinner, cleaning up kitchen and toy mess, a paper due, Bible study at Kingsland, Mom to Mom, lunch with Tiffany Kilgore, MOPS at CBC San Antonio, Bunko Night with 20 ladies---and sangria, a baby shower, YoungLife, 2 trips to Wal-Mart, 2 trips to H-E-B, cleaning up Weiss's Christmas sprinkle mess (see past blog), Mom and Dad coming over, dropping off Weiss and the dogs to Cinda, strip beds (ours, guest bedroom and Weiss) wash and remake, vacuum entire house, mop, do bathrooms, make 6 dozen pumpkin cookies and icing from scratch, pick up race packet in San Antonio, go to Academy in SA to get running "last minute" stuff, stop at SuperTarget/Starbucks (self-inflicted wounds), go to our old house to get a few boxes of Christmas decorations, lunch in SA with Lucretia, and early morning runs with Lexy and Denise. Oh--and I almost forgot--the MARATHON!!!! When it rains, it pours, and this has been a monsoon week for me!!!!
Granted, some of these things are regular, "scheduled" events, but there was alot of "excess" this week.....I am sure glad I don't work!!!! And I did give you a play-by-play of ALL of the things to let you know how I've kinda been stressing out....Of course, the one week I want to relax because the marathon is Sunday would be the busiest we've had since I've been in Marble Falls.....Next week will be a lazy one, and I mean lazy---my body is taking a break after the marathon for a few days.....
So yes, I admit I've been a bit stressed, but the hardest part (other than the marathon!) is over, and for this, I am thankful!!! I have a zillion and one things to be thankful for, and although life gets stressful at times, all of the things I've listed above aren't awful things--I think this week has just been "too much of a good thing." However, I am thankful!!!
"This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. . . .You are my God, and I will give you thanks; you are my God, and I will exalt you. Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever." (Psalm 118:24, 28-29 [NIV])
Granted, some of these things are regular, "scheduled" events, but there was alot of "excess" this week.....I am sure glad I don't work!!!! And I did give you a play-by-play of ALL of the things to let you know how I've kinda been stressing out....Of course, the one week I want to relax because the marathon is Sunday would be the busiest we've had since I've been in Marble Falls.....Next week will be a lazy one, and I mean lazy---my body is taking a break after the marathon for a few days.....
So yes, I admit I've been a bit stressed, but the hardest part (other than the marathon!) is over, and for this, I am thankful!!! I have a zillion and one things to be thankful for, and although life gets stressful at times, all of the things I've listed above aren't awful things--I think this week has just been "too much of a good thing." However, I am thankful!!!
"This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. . . .You are my God, and I will give you thanks; you are my God, and I will exalt you. Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever." (Psalm 118:24, 28-29 [NIV])
Monday, November 10, 2008
Weiss is in the Christmas spirit already!!!
One thing I have learned in my relatively short tenure as a mom is that you never know what your kid(s) will do......They definitely keep you on your toes!!! And not only that, but some of the things they do bring on side-stitching, gut-hurting laughter, better than the best ab workout!
My mom and I were on the phone this evening at 7:00, and I was putting up groceries from Wal-Mart while Weiss was supposedly watching VeggieTales. He sauntered into the kitchen, opened the pantry door, and got out a big shaker of assorted Christmas sprinkles to decorate cookies and cakes. The lid is so difficult for me to get off, I assumed he could just shake it like a maraca and that would be the end of it....
(And this is the cue where you Type A personalities or veterans are shaking your heads, "tsk-tsking" me....)
It got quiet all of a sudden, and I peeked my head around the corner in the kitchen. Our kitchen/dining area/family room are all open to each other, but Weiss has this funny little habit of getting under the area where he is out of my field of vision....
He had poured the contents of the Christmas sprinkles all over the carpet!!!! I told Mom I'd have to go..... I was laughing pretty hard, though. Weiss hightailed it out of the room; he knew he had committed a naughty act.... I got out the old Hoover, and began to vaccuum.
Thank goodness I got the sprinkles up before he had the chance to pour something liquid on them....Can you imagine? Red and green carpet?
My mom and I were on the phone this evening at 7:00, and I was putting up groceries from Wal-Mart while Weiss was supposedly watching VeggieTales. He sauntered into the kitchen, opened the pantry door, and got out a big shaker of assorted Christmas sprinkles to decorate cookies and cakes. The lid is so difficult for me to get off, I assumed he could just shake it like a maraca and that would be the end of it....
(And this is the cue where you Type A personalities or veterans are shaking your heads, "tsk-tsking" me....)
It got quiet all of a sudden, and I peeked my head around the corner in the kitchen. Our kitchen/dining area/family room are all open to each other, but Weiss has this funny little habit of getting under the area where he is out of my field of vision....
He had poured the contents of the Christmas sprinkles all over the carpet!!!! I told Mom I'd have to go..... I was laughing pretty hard, though. Weiss hightailed it out of the room; he knew he had committed a naughty act.... I got out the old Hoover, and began to vaccuum.
Thank goodness I got the sprinkles up before he had the chance to pour something liquid on them....Can you imagine? Red and green carpet?
Funny Little Things I'm Thankful For.....
I thought since this was the month of November, I would have some serious (and not so serious) posts listing things our family is thankful for. I'll begin with the not so serious ones, and I'll update you all with the sappier stuff later. PLEASE understand: these are those funny things our family can't live without, but we're thankful for. I promise I won't always be this petty.
1. iPhones and any Apple-related product
(Logan especially)
2. Dirt Devil Cone vaccuum
(I keep it by Weiss's high chair to clean up any messes)
3. Hoover FloorMate
(to mop, when those messes are bigger than the Cone vac can handle)
4. Target.com
(since I can't have access to 4 Super Targets and 3 regular Targets less than
15 minutes from my house now...Yes, Marble Falls and other rural residents, there
really were that many in proximity to our casa in San Antonio...)
5. Horizon Organic Milk
(I'm being very specific, but not only is it organic and supporting Mom and Pop
farms, but it has a cute cow jumping over the earth, and Weiss gets excited when he
sees the carton. He asks now for "ilk" and lets you know if he wants chocolate
in it or not.)
6. Starbucks Coffee in Marble Falls with a drive-thru!!!
'Nuff said.
7. Anything "Elmo" related
(#7 is particularly important; it helps me to keep my sanity. Elmo is cute and
very tolerable for the adult genre. However, he is creating an obession in my
pure, innocent child.)
8. H-E-B Buddy apple snacks
(No, folks, these aren't your everyday apples. These are pre-washed, pre-sliced,
pre-packaged, and come with yummy cinnamon yogurt dip. My child loves them.)
9. Facebook.com, myspace.com, classmates.com, and blog sites.
(Although some people from your past may never keep up, update pictures or their
status, at least you can get in touch with them. It's so neat to see people's new
families, spouses, pets, et cetera, et cetera.)
10. Amazon.com
(For my inner bookworm. I love being able to buy used books through here and
read the reviews of others. It also keeps track of books you've read, books/music you've purchased, books/music you want, and sends you a great list that really has great suggestions based on your purchases and preferences. You get the books fast; I got one in under 24 hours, but it wasn't free shipping---it was for class. However, free shipping is still fast. I could literally spend all day on this website, but that would constitute child neglect. Speaking of children, they have great children's books, too!!!)
11. liberty.edu
(I love taking classes here, and I am soooo thankful I don't live in my grandparents'
generation and actually have to be sitting in a class 24/7 to get a master's or
Ph.D. Well, it's not quite that simple... I still have to be at the campus for three total
weeks, but I won't complain! That will be a nice little vacay....For those of you that
are wondering, I won't be doing all of those weeks in one chunk for Logan and
Weiss's sake---AND for all the grandparents keeping Weiss!)
12. Central Market Pumpkin Tortellini AND any other pumpkin-related food or coffee product
(Tortellini in the frozen section in H-E-B. Logan and Cinda boil it and then saute
it in butter in an iron skillet. HEAVENLY.....)
1. iPhones and any Apple-related product
(Logan especially)
2. Dirt Devil Cone vaccuum
(I keep it by Weiss's high chair to clean up any messes)
3. Hoover FloorMate
(to mop, when those messes are bigger than the Cone vac can handle)
4. Target.com
(since I can't have access to 4 Super Targets and 3 regular Targets less than
15 minutes from my house now...Yes, Marble Falls and other rural residents, there
really were that many in proximity to our casa in San Antonio...)
5. Horizon Organic Milk
(I'm being very specific, but not only is it organic and supporting Mom and Pop
farms, but it has a cute cow jumping over the earth, and Weiss gets excited when he
sees the carton. He asks now for "ilk" and lets you know if he wants chocolate
in it or not.)
6. Starbucks Coffee in Marble Falls with a drive-thru!!!
'Nuff said.
7. Anything "Elmo" related
(#7 is particularly important; it helps me to keep my sanity. Elmo is cute and
very tolerable for the adult genre. However, he is creating an obession in my
pure, innocent child.)
8. H-E-B Buddy apple snacks
(No, folks, these aren't your everyday apples. These are pre-washed, pre-sliced,
pre-packaged, and come with yummy cinnamon yogurt dip. My child loves them.)
9. Facebook.com, myspace.com, classmates.com, and blog sites.
(Although some people from your past may never keep up, update pictures or their
status, at least you can get in touch with them. It's so neat to see people's new
families, spouses, pets, et cetera, et cetera.)
10. Amazon.com
(For my inner bookworm. I love being able to buy used books through here and
read the reviews of others. It also keeps track of books you've read, books/music you've purchased, books/music you want, and sends you a great list that really has great suggestions based on your purchases and preferences. You get the books fast; I got one in under 24 hours, but it wasn't free shipping---it was for class. However, free shipping is still fast. I could literally spend all day on this website, but that would constitute child neglect. Speaking of children, they have great children's books, too!!!)
11. liberty.edu
(I love taking classes here, and I am soooo thankful I don't live in my grandparents'
generation and actually have to be sitting in a class 24/7 to get a master's or
Ph.D. Well, it's not quite that simple... I still have to be at the campus for three total
weeks, but I won't complain! That will be a nice little vacay....For those of you that
are wondering, I won't be doing all of those weeks in one chunk for Logan and
Weiss's sake---AND for all the grandparents keeping Weiss!)
12. Central Market Pumpkin Tortellini AND any other pumpkin-related food or coffee product
(Tortellini in the frozen section in H-E-B. Logan and Cinda boil it and then saute
it in butter in an iron skillet. HEAVENLY.....)
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Here's Weiss in his Halloween costume, minus the bandanna, minus the cowboy hat..... And he was not about to hold the cute little pumpkin he had picked out.... This was the only somewhat decent shot I got of him, after driving him out on a gorgeous farm to market road to take autumn pictures in his costume. He despised it. This is the only pic he looked at the camera, only because I said "ELMO!!!" He dried it up for a few seconds....
These next two were from FBC Marble Falls "Slime Time" Autumn Festival on Friday, October 31....... Here, Logan is wrangling our "happy camper....."
Weiss was playing in a plastic pool filled with ducks....he loved it.....his face is precious in this pic..........
My First Post.....Here Goes Nothin'.....
Okay....I am officially entering the blogging world--AGAIN. Terra C., Lexy H., Denisse W., and Katie K., you have all inspired me... We had a little blog thing going awhile back, but I got really lazy and didn't update---thus the new, improved blog. I hope to be MUCH better this time. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the musings of our little family and my honest, candid approach to life and Weiss's digestive system. I'll try to keep you all reasonably updated. (Keyword: REASONABLY.)
I thought the name of our little blog should be Stanley, Texas. (Hey guys, make sure you don't abbreviate "Texas" in the URL bar or you won't reach our quaint little blog....) Our family loves the Tuna, Texas play series (if you haven't seen them, they will leave you in stitches!!!) and the nostalgic small town names of Texas, so what could be more appropriate and fitting???
There are interesting times ahead: the holidays, my first marathon, Logan's journey in his new career, Logan building his new office with his dad, potty training (gasp), dogs, grandparents, friends, faith, and Marble Falls---and who knows what other curve balls will be thrown at us??? We'll keep you posted.
You all know I'm never at a loss for words (unfortunately). But what I'm trying to say is I'm glad you came to visit. Visiting our blog is much, much easier than visiting our house at this moment. Let me just give you a snippet of what our house is like during these times: Elmo or Veggie Tales is playing 24/7, dozens of battery operated toys are littering the floor, and the faint smell of a toddler's diaper is fragrancing the air. I am frantically trying to do the laundry and get dinner ready in the oven, and I desperately need to put up the clean laundry. (I don't have a problem with washing, although it is the "putting up" that's a problem. I'm sure many of you can relate.) I have a paper due at midnight for my online course, and my babysitter broke my cooktop last night (yes--this DID happen...it shattered...I love her, though....she's great), so dinner is a Wal-Mart lasagna. Being a stay-at-home mom is definitely harder than my last (PAID) job of teaching a classroom full of hormonal, delinquent middle schoolers (at times).
Although this sounds crazy, I WOULDN'T TRADE MY WORLD FOR ANYTHING... Being a wife and mom is great, although sometimes chaotic, but I love it, and I am soooooo blessed by my faith, my husband, my kiddo, and all my family and friends.
So---what I'm trying to say is---I hope you enjoy! I love you all.
I thought the name of our little blog should be Stanley, Texas. (Hey guys, make sure you don't abbreviate "Texas" in the URL bar or you won't reach our quaint little blog....) Our family loves the Tuna, Texas play series (if you haven't seen them, they will leave you in stitches!!!) and the nostalgic small town names of Texas, so what could be more appropriate and fitting???
There are interesting times ahead: the holidays, my first marathon, Logan's journey in his new career, Logan building his new office with his dad, potty training (gasp), dogs, grandparents, friends, faith, and Marble Falls---and who knows what other curve balls will be thrown at us??? We'll keep you posted.
You all know I'm never at a loss for words (unfortunately). But what I'm trying to say is I'm glad you came to visit. Visiting our blog is much, much easier than visiting our house at this moment. Let me just give you a snippet of what our house is like during these times: Elmo or Veggie Tales is playing 24/7, dozens of battery operated toys are littering the floor, and the faint smell of a toddler's diaper is fragrancing the air. I am frantically trying to do the laundry and get dinner ready in the oven, and I desperately need to put up the clean laundry. (I don't have a problem with washing, although it is the "putting up" that's a problem. I'm sure many of you can relate.) I have a paper due at midnight for my online course, and my babysitter broke my cooktop last night (yes--this DID happen...it shattered...I love her, though....she's great), so dinner is a Wal-Mart lasagna. Being a stay-at-home mom is definitely harder than my last (PAID) job of teaching a classroom full of hormonal, delinquent middle schoolers (at times).
Although this sounds crazy, I WOULDN'T TRADE MY WORLD FOR ANYTHING... Being a wife and mom is great, although sometimes chaotic, but I love it, and I am soooooo blessed by my faith, my husband, my kiddo, and all my family and friends.
So---what I'm trying to say is---I hope you enjoy! I love you all.
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